The Invertec 150S is suitable for a variety of applications and working environments. Its design was focused on providing excellent welding and starting behavior in a robust and reliable package.
It is equipped with a unique set of features and capabilities to ensure perfect welding for your application. Robust and robust on the one hand, portable on the other, the Invertec 150S is light and easy to handle in any situation.
Rugged Design – Unique rubber corners, metal casing and control buttons to withstand harsh environmental conditions.
Premium Arch – Lincoln 's advanced technology and know-how guarantee performance every time.
Power Surplus – Additional power for superior arc control.
Soft and Crisp Mode – Selectable arc modes for different electrode types
Self-adaptive arc force – For a stable arc with low spatter levels as standard.
Integrated “Hot Start” for stable arc with lower splash level.
Long cables: primary power extension cables up to 60 m.
Product type:Soldering machine
Lutowanie to proces polegający na łączeniu metali z wykorzystaniem lutu, który z uwagi na swoją niską temperaturę topnienia jest wykorzystywany do tworzenia połączenia stałego. W Marxam Project oferujemy najwyższej jakości usługi lutowania, dzięki którym będziesz miał pewność, o wytrzymałości produktu końcowego. Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami.
Usługi lutowania w Marxam Project to metoda wchodząca w skład naszych połączeń nierozłącznych. Kompleksowość naszej oferty gwarantuje, że wszystkie potrzebne procesy obróbki metali wykonasz w jednym miejscu. Nasi pomocni i doświadczeni eksperci pomogą Ci w wyborze parametrów projektu, abyś wiedział, że będzie on dokładnie takim, jakim go sobie wyobraziłeś. Zaufaj Marxam Project i zapewnij to co najlepsze dla siebie i swojego zamówienia.
Cabezales de soldadura refrigerados por gas / agua OSK S + SW + GW - Cabezal de soldadura \ Rango de aplicación \ Pulgada\ Peso
OSK 53 S + SW \ DA 6 - 53 mm \ 0,250" - 2,087" \ 2,1 kg
OSK 76 S + SW \ DA 6 - 76,2 mm \ 0,250" - 3,000" \ 2,6 kg
OSK 115 S + SW \ DA 9,53 - 114,3 mm \ 0,375" - 4,500" \ 3,4 kg
OSK 170 GW \ DA 50 - 168,3 mm \ 1,969" - 6,626" \ 7,5 kg
Notre équipe de soudeurs qualifiés peut souder des composants de grande taille ainsi que des petites pièces d'acier très complexes.
Méthodes de soudage :
Capacités :
- Nous possédons un atelier de 6 000 m².
- Avec des grues d'une capacité allant jusqu'à 50 tonnes.
- Traitement de détente - thermique ou par vibrations.
Nous nous assurons que tous nos produits répondent aux normes les plus élevées grâce à des contrôles de qualité rigoureux : liquides pénétrants, poudres magnétiques ou tests ultrasoniques, si nécessaire. Contrôle géométrique en place par suivi laser.
We offer our customers laser cutting of fine and thin sheets, as well as laser fine cutting of materials with very low material thicknesses (0.02 mm – 4.00 mm) as contract manufacturing. Of course we manufacture from the first sample and also up to mass production. If you do not know whether your material is suitable for processing with the laser, we will be happy to find out for you and provide you with a first demonstration sample free of charge.
Material Thickness:from 20 – 4,000 μm
finishing:brushing, vibratory finishing, electropolishing
Repeat accuracy:± 2 μm
Materials:steel / stainless steel, brass, copper, aluminum
Une poubelle en acier inoxydable de bonne qualité est un élément essentiel pour une collecte sûre, correcte et responsable des déchets de toute nature. Dans le processus de production de chaque conteneur de ce type, Profinox mise sur l'excellence, en utilisant des matériaux et des procédés de fabrication répondant aux normes les plus élevées. Ainsi, une poubelle Profinox en inox se démarque par sa solidité, sa durabilité et son design esthétique. Il s'agit peut-être d'une simple poubelle, mais la qualité de fabrication et des matériaux utilisés n'est inférieure à aucun autre produit de la gamme HORECA.
Nous comprenons que dans cette industrie, les normes de sécurité, de résistance et d’hygiène sont au plus haut niveau. C'est pourquoi nous veillons à ce que chaque produit fabriqué par Profinox, qu'il s'agisse d'une table, d'un meuble de lavage, d'une armoire, d'un chariot en acier inoxydable
Technical Line Cutting Twist Metal Processing San. Tic. Ltd. Ltd. has created various designs since 2006. It has become indispensable for companies by adding innovations, different perspectives and various solutions to its designs with each passing year.
RSLD is our short cut for a laser head consisting of a total of 3 motorized axes for use in large-format laser machines in gantry design for the 3-dimensional laser cutting of components. The horizontal main axis of the laser head permits endless movement, even during the rotary movement the axes below are permanently supplied with cooling water, process gases and all electrical signals. Suitable optics are used for the laser source used, either directly water-cooled metal mirrors with low-absorption coating or alternatively glass optics. The use of an adaptive optics enables the freely programmable focus position for cutting and piercing. The exclusive use of torque motors reduces mechanically moving components and thus guarantees consistently high machining accuracy and best machining results over a long service life, against mechanical damage reliably protects our proven 3D collision protection.
Auf einer Bearbeitungsfläche von 1.800 x 3.200 mm lassen sich Schneid- und Gravuranwendungen bei Acrylglas durchführen. Diese Lasermaschine gehört zu den größten der eurolaser Cutter-Serie und ist mit zahlreichen Optionen erhältlich. Eine ideale Maschinengröße für alle Anwendungen, bei denen viel Platz benötigt wird.
Der bedarfsorientierte, modulare Aufbau der eurolaser Lasersysteme ermöglicht eine an jede Anforderung speziell angepasste Konfiguration und bietet gleichzeitig die erforderliche Flexibilität. Der Aufbau der Maschine orientiert sich vorwiegend an den Erfordernissen, die sich aus der späteren Nutzung ergeben.
Arbeitsfläche (BxL)::1.800 mm x 3.200 mm
Abmessungen (BxLxH)::3.520 mm x 3.940 mm x 1.600 mm
Materialdurchlassbreite::1.880 mm
Tischdurchlasshöhe::58 - 80 mm (je nach Materialträger)
Laserleistung::60 bis 650 Watt
Geschwindigkeit::1 - 1.414 mm/s (in 1 mm Schritten)
Beschleunigung::max. 9,1 m/s²
Wykonany produkt to rama aluminiowa. Jest to element pojazdów szynowych dla klienta z sektora kolejowego. Proces produkcyjny ramy był zgodny ze standardami normy PN EN 15085, dzięki czemu produkt spełnia kryteria jakości.
Cieszymy się, że nasza certyfikowana norma PN EN 15085, pozwala firmie na produkowanie elementów dla przemysłu kolejowego. Uzyskana certyfikacja świadczy o najwyższym poziomie wiedzy naszych pracowników oraz spełnianiu najwyższych wymagań wykonania złączy spawanych.
CO2 laser cutting machine + automation/storage in very good condition
Immediately available.
Can be inspected under power.
More information and videos available on request
Model:LCV3015 3KW + automation/storage
Working dimensions:3000 x 1500 mm
Laser power:3000W
Power on hours:69228H
Cutting hours:7830H
Chiller:M.T.A. TAE evo 101 LASER (2016)
Dust extraction:Keller VARIO T 3.0 A
- Power : 3000 Watts
- Precision : +/- 0.1mm
- Displacement : 3000 x 1500
- Max thicknessSteel 20 mm, Inox 15 mm, Aluminium 15 mm, Copper 6 mm, Brass 6 mm
Steec ist in Frankreich Pionier für das Schneiden und Mikroschneiden mit Laser:
der erste YAG-Laser in Frankreich wurde 1983 bei Steec in Betrieb genommen. Im Lauf der letzten 30 Jahre hat sich Steec eigenes Knowhow entwickelt und einzigartige Kompetenzen in diesem Bereich erworben. Diese stehen allen Kunden im Rahmen von Zulieferleistungen gerne uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung.
Steec verfügt gegenwärtig über fünf Laserschneidmaschinen, die vielen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Diese Maschinen, in die Steec übrigens weiterhin laufend investiert, wurden spezifisch für Steec nach Pflichtenheft entwickelt und genügen somit auch den von Steec geforderten Fertigungsqualitäten und Genauigkeiten.
Steec schneidet mit diesen innovativen und sehr leistungsfähigen Maschinen Tafeln und Rohre mit Wandstärken von 3mm bis hinunter zu 2µm sehr präzise.
Engineering services are essential for the development and optimization of manufacturing processes. FactorMill offers comprehensive engineering services, providing high-quality solutions for the production of complex components. Our services are supported by advanced technology and equipment, ensuring precision and efficiency in every project. With a commitment to excellence, we work closely with our clients to deliver engineering services that meet their specific needs and enhance their production processes.
Our engineering services are designed to meet the highest standards of precision and reliability. We utilize advanced techniques to ensure that our clients receive solutions that are both innovative and high-performing. By choosing FactorMill's engineering services, you are investing in a solution that guarantees superior quality and performance, ultimately contributing to the success of your manufacturing operations. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our clients receive services that not only meet but exceed their expectations.
O Serviço de Corte a Laser da TFMetals é sinônimo de excelência e inovação. Utilizando tecnologia de ponta, este serviço oferece soluções personalizadas para atender às encomendas mais desafiadoras. Com uma equipe técnica altamente qualificada, a TFMetals garante precisão e qualidade em cada projeto, transformando ideias em realidade com resultados excepcionais.
Realizamos corte laser plano de chapa até 30mm
em ferro, aço-inox e alumínio, garantindo precisão
e eficiência máximas.
Com a nossa capacidade de quinagem, moldamos
chapas de até 3 metros com precisão e qualidade.
Os nossos equipamentos:
• Corte Laser Fibra de chapa com formato
de 3000x1500 marca HK 12KW com carga
e descarga automática;
• Corte Laser CO2 de chapa marca HK 4KW;
• Quinadeira Rico PRCB30160 com 6 eixos,
de 3m e 160TN de força;
• Quinadeira Rico PRCB2070 com 7 eixos,
de 2m e 70TN de força
Soluzioni avanzate per il settore metalmeccanico, ingegneristico e tecnologico.
Siamo un team di esperti altamente qualificati, con anni di esperienza nei settori della robotica, saldatura, automazione, materiali ed elettronica. Offriamo servizi di consulenza tecnica personalizzata per supportare le aziende in tutti gli aspetti della progettazione, implementazione e ottimizzazione dei propri processi produttivi.
I nostri servizi includono:
Robotica Industriale: Progettazione e integrazione di sistemi robotizzati per automazione avanzata.
Saldatura: Analisi e consulenza su tecniche di saldatura, scelta dei materiali e ottimizzazione dei processi.
Automazione: Ottimizzazione delle linee produttive e automazione dei processi industriali.
Materiali: Selezione dei materiali più idonei in base alle specifiche esigenze tecniche e di durata.
Elettronica: Progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi elettronici per il controllo e la gestione dei processi industriali.
Perché scegliere il nostro servizio di consulenza?
Esperienza consolidata nei settori chiave dell'industria metalmeccanica.
Soluzioni innovative per migliorare l'efficienza e ridurre i costi.
Assistenza continua per tutta la durata del progetto, dalla progettazione alla messa in opera.
Approccio su misura per ogni tipo di esigenza e dimensione aziendale.
Los recubrimientos de tornillería de ESINSA están diseñados para mejorar la durabilidad y la resistencia de los componentes de tornillería en aplicaciones industriales. Estos recubrimientos, que incluyen Zincados, Galvanizados, SermaGard®, Xylan® y Xylar®, ofrecen una excelente resistencia a los productos químicos, la vibración y el desgaste, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en condiciones extremas.
ESINSA ofrece recubrimientos de tornillería que se adaptan a una amplia gama de aplicaciones, proporcionando soluciones personalizadas para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Con un enfoque en la calidad y la innovación, ESINSA garantiza que sus recubrimientos de tornillería cumplan con los más altos estándares de la industria. Estos productos están diseñados para mejorar la eficiencia operativa y reducir los costos, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en todas las aplicaciones.
The Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring is a breathtaking piece of jewelry. Made from Sterling Silver 925, it embodies both grace and power. Crafted in Turkey, this ring features an oxidized finish that highlights its intricate design. Our ring is made from 100% recycled sterling silver. This sustainable approach adds a unique charm to each piece. Weighing 25 grams, the ring provides a comfortable yet substantial feel. If you value both style and environmental responsibility, then this ring is perfect for you. The Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring features detailed designs inspired by the mythical Pegasus. This symbolizes freedom and strength. Additionally, the oxidized finish gives it a vintage appeal, making it suitable for various occasions. Wear it to showcase your unique style. Each Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring is meticulously crafted in Turkey. Our artisans use traditional techniques to ensure high quality. As a result, every ring is durable and exquisitely detailed. A meaningful gift, its symbolic design and elegant craftsmanship make it a treasured present. Give this ring to someone you care about, and they will cherish it forever.
KUHNE Geomembranfolienanlagen sind speziell für die Herstellung von Geomembranfolien konzipiert. Diese Anlagen bieten Nettobreiten von 8500 mm, Ausstoßleistungen bis zu 4 Tonnen pro Stunde und Dickentoleranzen unter 1%. Sie sind weltweit bei Kunden beliebt und bieten eine hervorragende Lösung für die Produktion von hochwertigen Geomembranfolien.
Processi industriali che includono il taglio, la modellatura e la rifinitura di lamiere metalliche per ottenere componenti di varie forme e dimensioni. Questi processi si avvalgono di diverse tecniche, come il taglio laser, il taglio a getto d'acqua, la piegatura e la punzonatura, per trasformare materiali come acciaio, alluminio e inox in prodotti finiti o semilavorati.
La lavorazione e il taglio delle lamiere sono fondamentali per molti settori, inclusa la carpenteria metallica, l’edilizia, l’automotive e l’arredamento, poiché permettono di ottenere pezzi personalizzati adatti a specifiche esigenze strutturali ed estetiche. Le lamiere lavorate possono essere sottoposte a ulteriori trattamenti, come la saldatura e i trattamenti antiruggine, per migliorarne la resistenza e la durata nel tempo.
As grelhas de tiras IFEC são uma solução inovadora para áreas de tráfego leve, como zonas exclusivamente utilizadas por pedestres e ciclistas. Com um design que inclui tiras galvanizadas a quente e uma largura de rasgo entre tiras de 10 mm, estas grelhas oferecem uma drenagem eficiente e uma resistência superior à corrosão. Fabricadas em aço de 2,5 mm, estas grelhas são ideais para projetos que exigem soluções de drenagem confiáveis e de fácil manutenção.
Além de sua funcionalidade, as grelhas de tiras IFEC são projetadas para fácil instalação e manutenção, tornando-as uma escolha prática para projetos urbanos. A classe de carga A15, conforme a norma EN 124:1995, assegura que as grelhas possam suportar o uso diário sem comprometer a segurança dos usuários. Com um design que combina estética e funcionalidade, estas grelhas são uma adição valiosa para qualquer projeto de infraestrutura que busque melhorar a segurança e a acessibilidade.
Ensure the highest standards of excellence with our comprehensive Quality Control services. At Abilheira & Cunha Textiles Lda, we understand that quality is paramount in the textile industry, which is why we have developed a rigorous quality control process that guarantees the integrity of every product we produce. Our team of experienced professionals meticulously inspects each item, ensuring that it meets our stringent quality criteria before it reaches our customers.
Our Quality Control services are designed to provide peace of mind, knowing that every garment is crafted to perfection. We utilize advanced inspection techniques and tools to identify and rectify any potential issues early in the production process, minimizing defects and ensuring consistency. By choosing our Quality Control services, you are investing in a reputation for excellence and reliability. Trust us to uphold the quality of your brand and deliver products that your customers will love.